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Enroll now

If you are already a CLCC International School, follow one of the steps bellow. If you are going to enroll by the first time, click here.

Option 1

1. Download the enrolment form by clickinghere.

2. Fill and sign it.

3. Pay the enrollment fee, including the first monthly payment. Monthly fees are prepaid!

4. Send the completed registration form, proof of payment, scan or photo of the Identification Document, half-body photo, optionally the declaration or certificate of the class already completed to info@catconsultores.co.mz.

Option 2

Go to one of our facilities located at the following addresses: Rua da Sé, 114 (Rovuma Pestana Hotel, 3rd Floor) or Rua da Dentro do Novo Cemitério de Michafutene (neighborhood Agostinho Neto, 638).